Hacker, Cracker, Script Kiddy, Information Security Expert Explained

This is my version how to explain the difference between Hacker, Cracker Script Kiddy and Information Security Expert.

What’s the difference between Hacker and Script Kiddy?
Hacker is like a car mechanic, script kiddy is the user of that car who only knows how to drive
Hacker ibaratkan montir mobil sedangkan script kiddy adalah orang yang cuma tahu gimana cara mengendari mobil saja

What’s the difference between Hacker and Cracker?
Lets just say both are car mechanic, however Hacker fixes them but Cracker…. well he fixes them too but he steals some parts or add some parts that dangered the car for his own benefit.
Sami mawon, keduanya ibaratkan montir mobil, cuma yang membedakan adalah Hacker membetulkan mobil, sedangkan Cracker… well, membetulkan mobil juga tapi kadang sekalian nyolong onderdilnya atau sengaja dibuat supaya nantinya mobilnya rusak lagi demi keuntungannya sendiri.

What’s the difference between Hacker and Information Security Expert?
Uhmm…. this is though one. Lets just say, Hacker is Joey in Friends TV Show and Information Security Expert is Barney in How I Met Your Mother TV Show. Both are playboy but Barney is apeared to be fancier.
Nggg… susah jawabnya. Tapi bisa diibaratkan Hacker adalah Joey di Serial TV Friends dan Information Security Expert adalah Barney di serial TV How I Met Your Mother. Keduanya playboy tapi Barney terlihat lebih keren.

They’re all alike

I don’t celebrate valentine’s day,
But I do like the idea of giving chocolate and flowers
to the one that we love
So I called it happy chocolates and roses day…

I don’t celebrate christmast,
But I do like the idea of giving presents
to the family and love ones
So I called it happy presents day…

I don’t celebrate easter
But I like the idea of being creative with eggs and also chocolates
and do them together with people that we care and love
So I called it happy chocolates and eggs day…

I don’t celebrate new years
But I do like the idea of gathering with family altogether
and ten watch some awesome fireworks
So I might called it happy fireworks day…

I do celebrate Ied Mubarak
And I do like the idea of having loong journey
just to have short rendezvous with the big family once in a year
So I called it, well…. Happy Ied Mubarak…

I do celebrate birthday
And I do like the idea of us to be treated really special
by our love ones and receives amazing surprises
So I’m still gonna call it happy birthday…

All these big days have one thing in common, to teach us about care and love. So it doesn’t really matter who made this days, it doesn’t matter the history behind these days, they’re all just alike…


Today is the day where I can say that something had been awesome. If you wonder why…

When we were born, we were nothing. really, nothing. we were not that special. probably not even considered as something that useful. Because at that time we were useless. We can’t do anything except crying and we were controlled by practically our emotion. If we were hungry, we cried; when we were in pain we screamed so loud. and even when we were feel neglected, our emotion cannot accept that and led to something that will shed some tears to our eyes.

Please don’t get me wrong, I do agree when they said that giving birth and babies both are the miracle of life. And babies are so wonderfully brighten up our day even just by looking at them. Those creatures, those lumps, are one of the most precious phase of human ever created.

Then as time goes by, we educated ourself, we start to realize that we do have some special abilities that we called tallent. We have that without have to work so hard. We don’t know and understand where that comming from. Was it from our chilhood society or environment? But who cares! Not just talent, many other things that we can have it naturally, including our appearance. The fact and sadest part is that you were there but no one noticed.

We continued our life as a normal person until one day someone might realize what do we have, what do we capable with. When that happened, suddenly things changed rapidly. From us who are being nothing to us who now famous to where people know us. They begin to taking into account our abilities. They’re reading about our stories, writing about our life. Even, to some extent, public start celebrating our birthday.

Sadly not every person on this earth have this oportunity. For those whose lucky enough to get this experience of life might be really grateful of what they have right now. However we have to keep in mind that every stories attached on every person are the finest and awesome journey of their life. Don’t judge of what they were, because they are in the past and the only we can wisely do is memorizing and keeping them in our mind.

So, as this day I can only say that every person are precious. They have things that you might not have. Don’t be greedy, don’t too cocky, don’t be judgemental of others because we know that they are capable of “somthing” that we probably don’t know yet. Until they finally been…. discovered.

Happy Australia Day, 26 January 2012. 224 years ago this is the day where australias was discovered. It was already and has been there for so long. then somehow we eventually found this magnificent land of down under…

PHP Codes: Resizing Image Class

When I was updating one of my client website, I was facing a problem with image resizing. My client is a photographer but he doesn’t know anything about web technologies, so I have to make the website is user friendly for him to use, especially when he is about to upload his photos to the site.

Now, the challenge is how to make him uploading just the photos themselves through ftp without have to worry about resizing those photos for the thumbnails to be appeared on the website. In that case, I have to create an algorithm to resizing the photo automatically every time the page is loading on that particular page. So that the page will only display the thumbnail, not the real high resolution photos of him.

After struggling with the idea, I did a quick search via Google, then luckily found a PHP class written by Simon Jarvis that fitted my need perfectly. It’s really simple and easy to use. The class called SimpleImage and it has the functionality to resize image and save it to anywhere we want.

The SimpleImage Class is available at White Hat Web Design website and written under GNU General Public Licence.

Ascalc Update: Location

February 25, 2011.

Crap it’s been a month already!

It looks like the plan to make a presentation about Ascalc have to be postponed. Things get really tricky when starting working on the detail. I have just finish working on the location.

Now, Ascalc is be able to get user location. The users have three option in order to select their location. Considering user might be in Observatorium, Planetarium, University, or even in other part of the world. I think this is covering all aspect not just place where academia might stand but also other part of the earth.

Some interesting functionalities in this feature, to name a few:

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WordPress Plugin: Lazy Bookmark

Lazy bookmark is formerly known as Website Registration. It a wordpress plugin that receives URL address from administrator/user and collects basic meta information about the Title of the site, the IP Address, the Authors, The Keywords, and the Description. If you recall about the structure of a website, under <head> tag usually there are metadata like this:

<meta name="description" content="...some description...">
<meta name="keywords" content="... some keywords ...">
<meta name="authors" content="... some authors ...">

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WordPress Plugin: Website Registration 1.3.3

This plugin has changed its name to Lazy Bookmark as it’s more suitable with its main functionality. The detail of Lazy bookmark plugin can be accessed here or from the wordpress plugin page.

Proudly to say that this is my first plugin posted in the wordpress repository. This is just a simple plugin, but not as simple when I made em. The plugin receives URL address from you/user and collects basic meta information about the Title of the site, the IP Address, the Authors, The Keywords, and the Description. Remember in a website/webpage usually there are metadata like this:

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Ha! been a while.

So the year has changed and so the theme of my creepy blog. It’s black and… sexy? I guess the beauty of it is because there’s a snow comes fall down from top of the screen. And kinda weird since how it is possible to have snow up there in the space. But too bad this is the last day for the snowing ‘coz I really like this feature as I have the thing for snow.

Bye snow…

Now the snow’s over and lets move on…

Blekko: Slash The Web

Baru-baru ini muncul ke permukaan dunia maya sebuah search engine (mesin pencari) baru yang bernama Blekko. Tidak seperti search engine lainnya, Blekko tidak hanya menawarkan pencarian berdasarkan relevansi tetapi juga menawarkan fitur baru yang disebut dengan nama Slashtag. Secara sederhana Slashtag menawarkan kepada pengguna agar dapat mengkustomisasi sendiri hasil pencariannya. Contohnya, apabila kita menyertakan /date pada form pencarian maka hasil dari pencarian akan di sortir bedasarkan waktu terkini.

Beberapa fungsi Slashtag dapat dilihat ditabel berikut ini:

slashtag Fungsi
/date Untuk mensortir berdasarkan waktu waktu terkini
/tech untuk menampilkan halaman-halaman website yang bernuansa teknologi
/blog Untuk menampilkan hasil pencarian yang merupakan blog
/forum Untuk menampilkan hasil pencarian yang merupakan forum
/rank Untuk menampilkan link-link halaman website beserta perbedaan rangking antara satu webpage dengan yang lainnya

Kumpulan Slashtag yang siap digunakan dapat dilihat di website Blekko (http://blekko.com/tag/show).

Selain itu, pengguna dapat sendiri membuat Slashtag nya sesuai dengan keperluannya masing-masing. Untuk membuat Personal Slashtag ini, harus terlebih dahulu memiliki account Blekko (register dan login). Beberapa fungsi dari Personal Slashtag ini yaitu agar user dapat meminimalisasi halaman-halaman web dengan menghilangkan halaman-halaman yang dianggap spam oleh user, dan agar dapat mencari hanya dari website yang diinginkan saja. User dapat pula menggunakan Personal Slashtag milik user lainnya selama Slashtag tersebut di share kepada publik (atau kepada pengguna tertentu).

Fitur lainnya yang dimiliki oleh Blekko adalah Spam Labelling, yaitu kita bisa menghilangkan satu atau lebih hasil pencarian yang kita anggap sebagai spam dengan cara mengklik link “spam” yang terletak di bawah judul halaman web hasil pencarian. Beberapa informasi lainnya yang dihadirkan disetiap hasil pencarian adalah IP address dari halaman web yang bersangkutan; cache dimana halaman web yang bersangkutan disimpan didalam database Blekko; links yang akan menunjukkan halaman web mana saja yang memberikan link kepada halaman yang bersangkutan; chatter untuk menambahkan komentar terhadap halaman web yang bersangkutan; dan seo yang menunjukkan statistik SEO dari setiap halaman yang bersangkutan.

Saat ini Blekko masih berstatus Beta, sehingga tentu saja performancenya masih harus ditinjau dan dievaluasi kembali serta dibandingkan dengan mesin pencari lainnya yang telah hadir terlebih dahulu selama lebih dari 10 tahun. Dari segi fitur, Blekko memang menawarkan fitur yang sering tidak ditonjolkan oleh mesin pencari lainnya (sekalipun dari segi fungsionalitas, fitur  yang ditawarkan ini bukanlah fitur yang baru) namun kita harapkan Blekko nantinya juga akan dapat bersaing sehat dengan search engine besar lainnya seperti Google dan/atau Bing.
